mac 7z file


7Z格式能够提供比RAR更高的压缩率以及更快的压缩速度。本软件能解压LZMA算法压缩成7z格式的文件。需要注意的是 7z实现的算法很多本软件只支持LZMA算法(Method=LZMA) 字典小于等于16MB(Dictionary Size less than 16M)的非加密7z文件如果你想让本软件...


Touch Memory is a simple memory game with four push buttons. The game shows you an increasingly long sequence by lighting up buttons and playing tones...


Turn the light onTurn the light offJust touch to catch your lightJust touch touch touchCrazy enough to die.Have fun !Gameplay:- Switch on when the lig...