m-ba je brza, sigurna, jednostavna i praktična usluga UniCredit Bank koja Vam omogućava potpuni nadzor nad osobnim financijama:- pregled stanja i prom...
m-ba je brza, sigurna, jednostavna i praktična usluga UniCredit Bank koja Vam omogućava potpuni nadzor nad osobnim financijama:- pregled stanja i prom...
With its simple and intuitive user interface, JAGUAR is the solution to making high quality calls for a fraction of the cost. Utilizing the latest adv...
Tartu mobiilirakendus võimaldab:* lugeda värskeid uudiseid Tartu linna ja Tartu Postimehe uudistevoo kaudu, * leida huvipakkuv kultuurisündmus Tartu l...
m.HKUST is a 'must have' for all tech-savvy students, faculty and friends of HKUST. It gives you mobile access to all the information you need...
秉持著提供車迷更多元且即時的訊息,推出M-BENZ News App,不定時更新第一手最熱門有關M-BENZ汽車品牌的相關訊息與新聞,讓喜愛的M-BENZ品牌的車迷朋友能夠掌握任何的最新動向,不只方便瀏覽,更可建立個人書籤,並透過Mail即時分享給同好、好友。結合智慧型手持裝置的便利優勢,結合影音、...
An App on the BMW 5 series covering models from the BMW E12 through to the E60 offering information, pictures and videos on the various models.免費玩BMW ...
Linguistics is the scientific study of human language. Linguistics encompasses a number of sub-fields. An important topical division is between the st...
An app to increase your appetite for learning languages. Learn most used words in German, Italian, Spanish, Russian,French. Learning language is good,...
Are you distracted by the clock when you take a test? Do you worry you will run out of time or spend too much time on 1 question?Test Coach helps you ...
Mechnical terms - The glossaryThis Application provides the list of mechanical terms their details, sharing option, view images for that term, etc.免費玩...