love and honor中文歌詞

True Love

This app is perfect for the winter months. Remember holding a flower and plucking each pedal to see if your crush loves you or loves you not? Well thi...

Broken Heart

[Notice]* Minor bugs fixedMagic Sword Bug - Fixed* Meteor Bug - Fixed* Reward for User for Played* Resolution Bug - Fixed* New Balanced* Sound On/Off*...

Broken Heart

A collection of quotes about broken heart and break-ups . "When you break up, your whole identity is shattered. It’s like death." "What is the opposit...


This app is an exciting insight into the YouNG Network Group! It allows you to view all of our upcoming events and activities that are happening near ...

A Votar

En Turet se'n va a votar, però el que no sap és que són molts els qui voldran impedir que hi arribi. Ajuda a en Turet a acomplir el seu somni.Vers...