
Hello Cool

HelloCool application (Application made using App Inventor which graphical block diagrams, no code)-Click to display message-Cool World blog picture-B...

Item Run

Item Run application (Application made using App Inventor which graphical block diagrams)-See the item chase and bump into each other.-Sprite on scree...


Seekangoo's mobile app offers the chance to easily discover all the available events in a specific area (both with geolocalization or location sea...


WaterTech – the premier water technology transfer event for environmental professionals. WaterTech is highly recommended for all industry sectors that...


LineCam is the mobile companion for LINE Video Surveillance System, allowing 24 hour access to your analog and IP cameras. For those on the move and w...


MyCard 是一張讓你橫行遊戲,暢遊數位內容的點數卡,目前市面上有四百多種數位內容及遊戲可以使用MyCard點數卡。 多款遊戲任你儲;多元化的售卡服務,豐富的遊戲實體、虛擬商品,再加上週邊產品,應有盡有。 本App由智冠科技所開發,提供MyCard會員進行快速儲值及相關活動訊息的服務提供。 本版本...


The game rule is very simple, just move the cycles, and make the lines in same color.Lines is a simple, yet surprisingly addictive and thought-provoki...