LineCam is the mobile companion for LINE Video Surveillance System, allowing 24 hour access to your analog and IP cameras. For those on the move and w...
LineCam is the mobile companion for LINE Video Surveillance System, allowing 24 hour access to your analog and IP cameras. For those on the move and w...
LINE(中文名:连我)是韩国NHN公司旗下跨多平台的通讯软件,目前在全球超过52个国家下载排名第一,全球用户已突破了4亿。 【主要功能】 「免费语音通话」:只要双方均为智能手机用户,即可随时随地免费通话,音质清晰,无论怎么煲电话粥都免费。 「免费短信」:方便、简单、快速,支持发送文字、图片及位置信...
现在LINE中国内用户出现了访问障碍,LINE团队正在尽最大努力修复该问题。 LINE 是全球52个国家排名第1的免费语音视频通话、免费短信应用程序,全球注册用户已经超过4亿人。 【主要功能】 「免费语音通话」:只要双方均为智能手机用户,即可随时随地免费通话,音质清晰,无论怎么煲电话粥都免费。 「免...
Get to the front of the line by any means necessary! Line is the most powerful standing-in-line simulator EVER Made. But just take my word for it, lis...
應用程式可以備份和還原:聯絡人、SMS、MMS、通話紀錄、系統設定、安全系統設定、WiFi 密碼、使用者字典、APN、行事曆事件、使用者程式、書籤和瀏覽器歷史。備份被儲存至 SD 卡或裝置的記憶體。您也可以將資料儲存至 Google Drive 或 Dropbox。您可以定期自動備份。程式可以自動上...
뽀찌는 제 동생의 창작 애니메이션 캐릭터 입니다.금방이라도 바탕화면에서 움직일것 같은 귀여운 뽀찌와 그의 친구들의시험점수가 나왔어요~현재 남은 배터리의 잔량을 시험점수로 표시해주는 아주 귀여운 위젯입니다^^2x1의 크기와 2x2 크기의 두가지 위젯을 마음대로 사용할 수...
This clinical decision support system is designed to step a healthcare provider through the decision-making process for managing and dosing warfarin. ...
Please Note: This application cannot be used without prior authorization provided by a clinical service. Please contact Alere at 1.800.504.4032 for mo...
Color Mix - Is a logic puzzle, which essence in a combination of colors for further progress through the levels.The well-known RGB color scheme includ...