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Application description This is a free TextChat (no pics, no rooms) to meet other black ppl.About some of your Comments:"Each Ethnic" is welcome, just...

QQ for Pad 支持视频通话

QQ for Pad V1.9.3版本更新点:1、添加冷兔等多款动态表情,收藏图片为自定义表情2、允许用户自定义添加壁纸3、优化接收消息的体验4、优化界面风格5、修复遗留Bug。QQ for Pad V1.9.2版本更新点:1、登录模块全面升级,进一步保障您的QQ帐号安全。2、修复遗留Bug。QQ ...

Sudoku Cafe

"Sudoku Cafe" is a logic-based puzzle game to fill a 9x9 grid with numbers(1 to 9)."not to easy, not to hard, just the right amount of fun, ! I would ...