lego coloring

Guess Color

Guess Color is a puzzle game to guess the correct color and sequence of 4 colorful balls. Each try the game feed player some relative information of t...


美好的生活在家裡,在工作中提高效率與噪聲功率 優勢利用白噪聲 [銳化集中力] 白噪聲使您能夠集中精力於工作(取決於個人的影響可能會有所不同)。 它派上用場,當你從學習或工作期間缺乏集中的權力受到影響。 [減少噪聲] 白噪聲是由每一個聲音,從而降低周圍噪音的煩擾水平。 它使您能夠讀取在嘈雜的地方,或午...

Color Reversed

If you are finding a simple and interesting colorful puzzle game, you are very lucky. That is Color Reved!!!Relaxing and easy to pick up, you will soo...