录像机臀位(Recorder4Me)*录音应用程序Voice recorder, Save wav type file, Play wav file.http://android4me.tumblr.com今天有一个幸福的一天。谢谢。1。画面由一个简单的(垂直屏幕锁)。2。单击该图像在顶部的麦克风录...
录像机臀位(Recorder4Me)*录音应用程序Voice recorder, Save wav type file, Play wav file.http://android4me.tumblr.com今天有一个幸福的一天。谢谢。1。画面由一个简单的(垂直屏幕锁)。2。单击该图像在顶部的麦克风录...
Take the Union-Recorder with you wherever and whenever you go. Your community resource for news, commentary, photos, video and special features is evo...
EcordiApp is the mobile application for the Ecordia e-portfolio and e-assessment solution for training centres and education establishments. EcordiApp...
Scopri con I-Pet Record il mondo di Rinaldo Franco SpA.La Rinaldo Franco SpA opera con professionalità nel settore degli accessori per piccoli animali...
Invoicera: The most powerful invoicing application ever. Choose what 2M+ satisfied customers have preferred for their business since 2006 . A feature ...
Voice Recorder designed for high quality long-time sound recording.Very useful for:1. Business Meetings: Minutes of meetings can be recorded and later...
Bryan "DJ Nightcrawler" Hull has been making his way in entertainment when it comes to crafting music. Born and raised in South Jersey, at age 13, his...
LectureRecordings 是一款用于记录音频的 Android 应用,特别是在使用 LectureNotes 做书写笔记时。此应用的最初设计使用对象是大学用户(或学校用户),例如,讲师可在讲课时使用 LectureNotes 对其的讲课录音(在设备上书写并将内容投影至屏幕上供听讲者阅读)或...
厌倦了写课程笔记? 复印机成千上万,找不到您需要的? 使用讲稿扫描仪! 讲稿扫描仪不只是一款当前学生所需的包罗万象的学术扫描仪,它专为满足学生每天的需要而研发,是持续有序的文档管理解决方案,可帮助用户扫描、保存并发送任意类型的文档,共享已扫描文件,并拥有更多功能。该应用程序具备适用于所有类型文档的灵...
With the assistance of this app will you never miss an important detail during a class lecture again. Lecture Listener provides an easy to use interfa...