klasse s 皮套

HTC專賣店 胖蜥蜴

這是一個關於胖蜥蜴電腦公司為 HTC 顧客,特別設立的一個APP。目的是讓使用 HTC 的顧客可以藉由這個APP能得知HTC 專賣店(胖蜥蜴)當週的優惠活動、新機上市、體驗活動、Show Girl展示......等優惠。也可以讓不知道 HTC 專賣店(胖蜥蜴)門市的顧客,可以在APP裡可以看到我們全...

Make a Date HD

Play your way to dating glory with Make a Date!Try to get a date with this attractive waitress by choosing from different responses and watch her reac...

Ittle Dew

Adventuress Ittle Dew and her sidekick Tippsie crash onto a strange island, filled with loot and mysterious inhabitants. It quickly dawns on the duo t...


"Zombies." is an isometric pixel art rampage through the horrifying depths of bureaucracy. Defend yourself from buzzword-spewing Zombie Project Manage...