kindle mac address

Send to Kindle

Send a web page or document to your Kindle directly from your Android browser of choice. In doing so, the app will attempt to transform the web page i...

Send To

Send-To can be used through Android's capabilities to share text data between apps. Submit text information to Send-To and you can send it to diff...


什么是IP地址? - 使用Adobe科尔多瓦(PhoneGap的)angularjs Web应用程序来查找IP地址。 - 查找自己的IP地址 - 输入一个IP地址,并获得位置的详细信息,主机名,国家,城市等。 - 应用程序有一个平坦的UI设计的简单性和易用性。 从 IP地址 从谷歌...