Dólar Fácil Grátis
Acompanhe a cotação do dólar(compra e venda) do dia na tela do seu Android.1 - Fácil Visualização.2 - Resultado de dólar na compra e venda.3 - Convers...
Acompanhe a cotação do dólar(compra e venda) do dia na tela do seu Android.1 - Fácil Visualização.2 - Resultado de dólar na compra e venda.3 - Convers...
There are different kinds of masks (e.g. cactus, cucumber, etc.) for different purposes: deep-cleansing, by penetrating the pores; healing acne scars ...
Jenny is not a fashion designer, but also a model true trendsetter to whom stylists and editors look for direction. This summer she also design many s...
Extender la mano y comprobar cómo se anima la pantalla al tocarla: un gesto insignificante para el adulto…, pero un gran descubrimiento para tu pequeñ...
Brighten the Christmas Spirit with this Xmas bell. Make it ring with shaking your iPhone or iPad. Get into the Christmas mood, and ring the bell for g...
★퐁 지우개로 화면을 쓱싹쓱싹 지우면서 영어단어를 익혀봐요★ ■영어사전 단어 목록■ 1. 내 물건 : bag, pillow, tube 등 2. 집 물건 : camera, lamp, vase 등 3. 옷 : apron, necktie, pajamas 등 4. 음식 : e...
*** IMPORTANT NOTICE ***- This app is compatible with XMF Remote R8 and R9 server.When connecting to XMF Remote R9.1 server or later, please use [brow...
World Cricket Championship just got even better!**Free users! Earn more points and BUY MORE OVERS TO PLAY!**Play the pack of three of the most excitin...
手机上的超炫农场来啦! 木瓜农场是手机上第一款动画型的农场类游戏,绚丽的画面让你完美体验同电脑上的农场游戏一样的快感!在一个属于你的农场里,种植各种蔬菜瓜果,还可以养家畜和宠物,和朋友一起开开心心当农场主,浇水,杀虫,除草,收获,乐在其中! 此次农场做了全面的改版,在原有功能不变的基础上更加美化了游...
An easy to use and accurate audio/visual metronome for your iPhone and iPad. Keeping tempo has never been so simple.Features:★ Developed in Austin, Te...