keeper app website


Beeper (Člnkový beh) je diagnostická pomôcka na určenie maximálnej spotreby kyslíka VO2 max. Aplikácia umožňuje sledovanie paramtrov behu ako i jednot...

Money Keeper

Money Keeper – small utility which will help to prevent the unpleasant surprise for the buyer on cash desk.With Money Keeper You will always know for ...

Eyes Keeper

目前人人都有行動裝置在身上,隨時都在滑手機,不知不覺愈看愈近,容易造成眼睛近視和閃光的病變發生。所以開發了Eyes Keeper 來提醒使用者的閱讀距離和環境的情境來達到保護眼睛。當手機遺失時,本App 有另一項功能,發送簡訊到手機上,輸入簡訊啟動碼(可修改),就會啟動相機拍照,回傳到 MAIL上查...

Dragon Zoo

Welcome to Dragon Zoo. This is a virtual animal world where you can raise dragon families, discover rare and very rare mythical, legendary breeds, hav...

Zoo Rush

It's your first day on the job at the local zoo and all of the animals have escaped! Explore the zoo, beach, suburbs and downtown to get them all ...