jlpt n3 程度


Japanese-Language Proficiency Test JLPT N3 (日本語能力試験 N3)- View sample questions- Practice with different sections: Language Knowledge (Vocabulary/Gramm...

日語3 Lite JLPT N3

「日語3 Lite」是一個一邊做問題、一邊學習日語中的單語、漢字、文法的日語學習應用程式。由日本語能力試驗(JLPT)N3的試驗範圍中、選出出題率較高的漢字、語彙、文法、來結集以成。假如能夠精讀這個程度的單語、漢字、文法、基本上日常使用的日語就能理解及適當地運用。Lite版(免費)的問題、分別由漢字...

日語3 JLPT N3


JLPT 꾸준히 일본어 N3

JLPT 꾸준히 일본어 ( N3 ) *** 꾸준히 학습하면 일본어 자격증 한번에 딸수 있습니다 ***수시로 학습할수 있도록 도와주는 꾸준히 일본어 시리즈에 JLPT 꾸준히 일본어가 추가 되었습니다.JLPT 시험날짜는 다가오는데 따로 공부할 시간은 없고...이제 JLPT...


JLPT N3 Pro APPLICATION *** ***As for the application you're Exam N3.Application of this section we focus on kanji and vocabulary practiceWith the...

JLPT Level N3

JLPT Level N3This application contains the questions of JLPT level 3 .This is a mid-level Japanese reading and listening test. The test has three task...