jira phoenix viewer

JIRA Viewer

JIRA Viewer lets you access your JIRA account from your smartphone.Access JIRA while you are on the move! THE APP PROVIDES THE FOLLOWING FEATURES: - N...

GuardKey Viewer

GuardKey Viewer需搭配GuardKey使用。 http://www.changingtec.com/guardkey 如鑰匙,將機密檔案加密並上鎖、隱藏。使用行動裝置的朋友們,全景軟體針對智慧型手機使用者,設計了行動APP「GuardKey Viewer」,給您帶來智慧型的便利。使用手...

VideoJug Viewer

VideoJug is a fantastic site which has thousands upon thousands of instruction guides and videos on how to do everyday things.Get good at life with ov...