四六级是让大学生最头痛的事了。 我发现我们解锁手机次数很频繁,于是乎为啥不将锁屏和背单词结合在一起呢?在玩手机的时候顺便背会单词岂不是轻松多了。由此我的VellLock就诞生了。。。 VellLock功能还包括:错词本、单词查询、摇一摇、语音下载,主题选择,背词模式选择等等。还有三个实用的桌面小部件...
四六级是让大学生最头痛的事了。 我发现我们解锁手机次数很频繁,于是乎为啥不将锁屏和背单词结合在一起呢?在玩手机的时候顺便背会单词岂不是轻松多了。由此我的VellLock就诞生了。。。 VellLock功能还包括:错词本、单词查询、摇一摇、语音下载,主题选择,背词模式选择等等。还有三个实用的桌面小部件...
Questa non è un'applicazione ufficiale, ma è una semplice raccolta di link a siti web esterni. Lo scopo dell'applicazione è quella di raccogli...
The Barrett-Jackson Beyond the Block application is your connection to the exciting world of a Barrett-Jackson Collector Car Auction! Barrett-Jackson ...
Turn to The Florida Times-Union and, theNo. 1 source for Jacksonville News, Sports, Entertainment, Real Estate,Job Listings, Photos a...
PollCat is an easy, free way to share and create polls with the world. Browse through an ever growing selection of questions posted by users like you ...
目前在Iphone软件中,人气最旺的同性恋交友软件就是Jack’d。这款软件在国内也能用,照片,信息,过滤功能都強大过grindr,因此号称是同志手机交友第一工具。据说Jack’d 在国内用户群庞大(主要是Iphone用户),因此这也是目前“最高效” 的交友软件吧!实际上,Jack’d 在Andro...
抛弃繁琐,让锁屏回归本质。 抛弃主题,抛弃没用的功能。 把锁屏空间还给你,处理与你息息相关的每一件事。 功能特点: -优秀的通知处理技术:重要的通知一个都不会错过,仅需一步即可处理。 -先进的习惯学习引擎:清楚的明白你现在需要什么, app 自动出现在锁屏。 -顶级的摄影大师作品:安装即可免费享受最...
NOTE: THIS APPLICATION USES AT LEAST ACCELEROMETER AND GRAVITY SENSORS.This application uses sensors to automatically lock the phone based on certain ...
Imagine it's noon, and you're hungry for some lunch. As you drive near your favorite sandwich spot or walk by that new burger place, your phon...
Do you have a mobile subscription of Proximus or a prepaid card Pay&Go ? Relegate unpleasant bill surprises to the past: with the MyProximus applicati...