ipad bluetooth keyboard

Bluetooth OnOff

An small widget app to switch the Bluetooth module on or off.By turning on the Bluetooth symbol is switching to green, a connection is signalled by a ...

Bluetooth GPS

Connect to an external bluetooth NMEA compatible GPS device. Mock provider allows other apps to work with the device.!!! Please read... YOU NEED AN EX...

GO输入法 Go Keyboard [中文]

GO输入法(GO Keyboard)是支持中英文输入,虚拟键盘与硬键盘的输入法。专门针对Android的手机用户,做了多项的产品优化。支持在线更新流行词库、备份恢复词库。GO输入法能使您的输入速度提升,更具有娱乐性,是Android手机的必备选择,GO输入法国际版是GO输入法的高级版本,支持更多的语...