iLoveDeals.MY - Daily Deal App
Finally the best daily deal aggregating service iLoveDeals.MY comes to Google Play Store. We aggregate all majoy group buying sites including MyDeal.c...
Finally the best daily deal aggregating service iLoveDeals.MY comes to Google Play Store. We aggregate all majoy group buying sites including MyDeal.c...
Официальное приложение конференции Application Developer Days.Четвертая по счету конференция состоится 13 декабря 2013 года в международном образовате...
This application is public video tutorial for iOS developer, this application will always be updated. It can help improve you and make more knowledge ...
Get a solid grounding in all the fundamentals of Cocoa Touch, and avoid problems during iPhone and iPad app development. With Programming iOS 4, you...
Do you often spend time surfing for the third party libraries, and end up with unsatisfactory results? Do you wish oh God can’t I have all open source...
This application provides a collection of third party libraries, as a developer this application is essential for you.You will have information about ...
This application provides a collection of third party libraries, as a developer this application is essential for you. You will have information about...
It is perfect quick reference for Objective C, Standard C, C++ and Java to companion the Programmers, students, hobbyists.免費玩Developer Reference Libra...
《ET權證王》匯集「市場焦點新聞」以及「權證資料」,不僅提供權民投資第一手的消息、市場焦點脈動,並提供一般新聞網站所無法供給的權證資料,更配合ETtoday 新聞雲龐大的粉絲團影響力,要讓全民一起感受權證好好玩。ET權證王提供人性化的操作手勢,不僅讓初入權證市場的新手也能第一次使用就上手,讓權證老手...
系統特色: -提供證、期、權、國際指數、外匯、美國個股、國際期貨即時報價資訊。 -提供完整財經新聞、大盤盤後資訊及個股盤後資訊。 -個人化專屬自選報價功能,提供五個群組,150檔商品設定功能。 -直覺式操作方式,一指查詢所有金融資訊。 -使用3G連線,報價速度與交易所同步。 系統功能: -即時走勢:...