IFA Events
IFA is launching its first mobile conference app to improve members’ experience at our events. This app is designed for IFA members when attending our...
IFA is launching its first mobile conference app to improve members’ experience at our events. This app is designed for IFA members when attending our...
The Institute of Forensic Accountants (IFA) is the Leading Professional Institution for Training of qualified Forensic Accountants in Nigeria. IFA dev...
IFA is launching its first mobile conference app to improve members’ experience at our events.This app is designed for IFA members when attending our ...
This mobile application is dedicated to the 2014 IFA Congress in Mumbai. The Congress will take place from 12 to 17 October 2014. The International Fi...
古人曰:“熟读三字经,便可知天下事,通圣人礼。” 《三字经》自南宋以来,已有七百多年历史,共一千多字,可谓家喻户晓,脍炙人口。三字一句的韵文极易成诵,内容包括了中国传统的教育、历史、天文、地理、伦理和道德以及一些民间传说,广泛生动而又言简意赅。《三字经》早就不仅仅属于汉民族了,它有满文、蒙文译本。《...
★ BEFORE USING THIS MAP YOU NEED INSTALL APPLICATION CALLED "METRO 24"★★★Metro map of Saint Petersburg (Russia) for app called "METRO 24".Don't tr...
★ BEFORE USING THIS MAP YOU NEED INSTALL APPLICATION CALLED "METRO 24"★★★Metro map of Prague (Czech Republic) for app called "METRO 24".Don't try ...
凡 例 一、是书名日《补注》,但诠实事,以资检阅。若诗中义蕴之深,意境 之妙,读者宜自领取,无庸强就我范,曲为之说,反汨初学性灵也。识者鉴 诸。 一、取证之书,当以最先者为主。目王逸注《离骚》于“玄圃”引《淮南子》,李善注《洛神赋》之“远游履”引繁钦《定情诗》,使后人藉口。 至近世笺唐诗者,遂有引宋...
★ BEFORE USING THIS MAP YOU NEED INSTALL APPLICATION CALLED "METRO 24"★★★Metro map of Tokyo (Japan) for app called "METRO 24".Don't try to open it...
本书旨在帮助读者了解英语单词的内在规律,向读者介绍一种学习英语单词的有效方法,以便使读者能迅速地掌握大量单词,并通过揭示英语单词的奥秘,使读者认识到:学习、记忆英语单词并非难事,原有捷径可循。 本书从构词法入手,通过对单词的分析,阐明单词的核心是词根,并使读者了解词根的重要性:认识一个词根,就可认识...