作业帮 [中文]
作业帮APP是由百度知道官方特别打造的,学生之间作业问答和话题交流的平台。寒假来了,老师和同学都不在身边,作业问题求助用作业帮;不用每天上课,但一个人在家很无聊,用作业帮和同学交流。现在就下载作业帮APP,寒假不再孤单!主要功能:1. 提问:选择年级和学科,通过拍照或文字的形式,向学霸提问。一次不明...
作业帮APP是由百度知道官方特别打造的,学生之间作业问答和话题交流的平台。寒假来了,老师和同学都不在身边,作业问题求助用作业帮;不用每天上课,但一个人在家很无聊,用作业帮和同学交流。现在就下载作业帮APP,寒假不再孤单!主要功能:1. 提问:选择年级和学科,通过拍照或文字的形式,向学霸提问。一次不明...
這應用程式是為香港中學生預備香港文憑試數學科(必修部分)考試而設的。考生們可在其中找到文憑試及會考屆試題詳解及答案、重要的公式及其他有用的資訊。本應用程式並不包含試題題目,考生須要自行購買試題。文憑試及會考試題的版權全屬香港考試及評核局所有。本應用程式包含會考 2007-2011 年以及文憑試所有年...
This simple, fun, addictive game is suitable for all ages and abilities. Simply tap the pollen spores on the screen as they float by from different di...
So you think you know something? Play THUD! and put your knowledge and skills to the test.THUD! Presidents Edition is the first in a series of games t...
So you think you know something? Play THUD! and put your knowledge and skills to the test.THUD! Presidents Edition FREE is the first in our series of ...
Have fun solving mathematical operations with a limited set of numbers and operators.Put your brain to work again!Are you able to solve these operatio...
If you like art this app is for you! This fun quiz consists on guessing the names of the artists that created the most famous art masterpieces. You ar...
Keep your brain in shape with new technologies.This addictive game will improve your mental arithmetic skills while having fun!Easy to play but diffic...
If you like cars this app is for you!This fun quiz consists on guessing the names of the most famous cars. You are presented with a photo of the car a...
Chinese Home Library is a very convenient software application for reading books which contains 2000 classic works of Chinese literature and covers al...