IDM Event
The Institute of Direct and Digital Marketing is the UK’s only government-approved Institute for the professional development of direct and digital ma...
The Institute of Direct and Digital Marketing is the UK’s only government-approved Institute for the professional development of direct and digital ma...
IDM is a tool to increase download speeds by up to 5 times, pause and resume downloads. IDM Internet Download Manager is the best download manager fo...
IDM Super Video Downloader is the best and high speed download manager for android to download any video from any website. Now you'll forget any other...
【百度云2T永久空间等你来领】登录手机客户端即可轻松获取,相册、短信、通讯录、通话记录一键备份到云端,更有手机找回、密码锁等功能全方位为你数据保驾护航。 【必读】: 经过帅气的攻城狮昼夜打磨,百度云新功能震撼来袭,添加好友,和伙伴们快乐分享视频、照片,创建聚会群、资源群、班级群,一人分享,全群共享,...
百度云是百度公司推出的一款云服务产品,通过百度云,您可以将照片、文档、音乐、通讯录数据在各类设备中使用,在众多朋友圈里分享。百度云目前已经上线了web版、PC版、android版、iPhone版和iPad版。 【——百度云能为你做什么——】 1、手机备份工具:拍的照片、视频备份到云端,释放15G内存...
【百度云2T永久空间等你来领】登录手机客户端即可获取,更有海量最新爱情、动作片,在线看,下载看,保存稍后看,想怎么看就怎么看;相册、通讯录、短信备份、手机找回全方位为你数据保驾护航。【 百度云能为你做什么 】★2T永久免费空间(2T=2048G) 登录客户端触手可得。★看片神器 在线看费流量? 热门...
Google 翻譯服務打破語言隔閡。• 互譯 90 種語言• 自由交談,由 Google 負責翻譯• 提供多種翻譯介面,包括語音、拍照、鍵盤或手寫輸入翻譯• 出外時可使用離線翻譯功能,不需要網路連線• 可儲存您的翻譯並透過任何裝置存取可支援下列語言的雙向翻譯功能:土耳其文、中文(繁體)、中文(簡體)...
This application allows you to manage a conference meeting: collect the participants, assign the talking precedence and propose polls for voting.This ...
This application help you manage your applications. Tidy your home screen. Categorize apps to different folders, launch and manage quickly and simply....
Do you hate the multiple steps it takes to just uninstall your apps ?Do you sometimes install many apps in order to find one that suits your needs, bu...