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Ick Chen eBook

本書櫃是陳奕愷教授編撰、製作 App 電子書之代表案例,以及承辦政府與民間專案委託之成果專區。藉由「哈瑪星科技」SimMAGIC eBook軟體,承製各項專業影音電子書的製作專案,其成果出版品均適用於Android、iOS作業系統之手機和平板電腦,不僅符合雲端行動科技的時代趨勢,同時又可發揮減少資源...


Authentic South Indian Vegetarian Recipes from our family kitchen.Based on the traditional meals we've made at home over several generations they ...

David Icke

This app is a window into the world of David Icke as he exists online. You'll find his latest web posts, tweets, videos and more, all without havi...

Rick Muchow

As the Worship Pastor at Saddleback Church, with Pastor Rick Warren for nearly 25 years, Rick has lead worship for 20,000 attendees weekly, and has ta...