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行李清單 packing check

外出旅行最怕忘東忘西,有容易上手的行李清單APP ~再也不用事後懊惱囉~ 方便使用者快速規劃外出行李,並隨時確認行程以及檢查物品,是外出旅行及行程規劃不可或缺的重要幫手。繽紛的色系,極簡的風格,易上手介面,讓所有物品一目瞭然,讓外出Go Easy !! 功能:-- 行程展示清楚,目錄內建物品清單--...

My Flames

myFlames is an entertainment application that lets users find relation between two people. Enter names of two people and you will get the relation bet...


Note: We will be releasing new version for iOS 7 shortly.i-Locker is a utility application to store personal information securely on your iPhone or iP...