icdf 國合會

國合會 TaiwanICDF

國合會推出‘把祝福傳出去“活動現在免費下載國合會 App,就有機會抽到 iPad mini 喔!國際合作發展基金會(國合會),以協助友好或開發中國家經濟、社會、人力資源發展、增進與友好或開發中國家間經濟關係、提供遭受天然災害國家或國際難民人道協助為己任;為達到上述目的,本會各項援助發展透過投資融資、...

The List

The List allows you to see where you are on a restaurant's waiting list. With The List you can see how many parties are ahead of you, right from y...

Layered Maze

Layered Maze is a maze game that consists of spatial structure. One maze which consists of several layers, the stairs to go up or down the hierarchy a...