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The War Cry

Welcome to The War Cry.The UK’s popular Christian weekly newspaper from The Salvation Army is delighted to be available in the palm of your hand.Each ...


The KOTEL application allows you in a single click, to find the exact direction of the Holy Western Wall of Jerusalem.You can then compose a message a...


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Hotel Tylösand

Hotel Tylösand finns nu som app till din Android. Använd den för att snabbt boka bord eller rum. Här får du även veta mer om hotellet, aktuella events...


鳳凰是一個可愛的動作遊戲,你可以移動鳳凰飛到世界各地,甚至空間!★★★★★HOW TO PLAY★★★★★點擊屏幕移動鳳凰遠離障礙!★★★★★聯繫我們★★★★★Facebook的:的微博:


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