HostelBookers Android Travel AppBackpacking round the world or taking a holiday? Download the HostelBookers travel app. The app lets...
HostelBookers Android Travel AppBackpacking round the world or taking a holiday? Download the HostelBookers travel app. The app lets...
本软件可以帮您在翻阅图书之前通过ISBN号码查找该书的相关信息以及来自豆瓣网的书评。同时支持通过您安装的其他应用并分享图书。 -可通过您手机的摄像头扫描条形码以获取ISBN号码 -支持手动输入ISBN号码 -提供图书基本信息,如评分,价格,简介等-查看已搜索过的图书信息-提供来自豆瓣的评分信息,购书...
Booker has gone MOBILE! Now you can easily take your Booker account on the go and never be apart from your business.With the new Booker Mobile App, yo...
已有新版本,請至 下載或搜尋 Walk In 臺北 。免費玩Walk in 台北 APP玩免費免費玩Walk in 台北 AppWalk in 台北 APP L...
PocketGuide, the world’s leading audio city guide application, gives you tours by voice, revealing the best stories, insider hangouts and must-see sig...
日本情報No.1的旅行資訊雜誌「HongKong Walker」推出全新手機App。 將香港的日本料理店和最新的日本觀光名勝等資訊連結至地圖,無論身在港日,一機在手,吃喝玩樂都一樣方便。 台灣搶先推出的日本旅遊雜誌「Japan Walker」手機App, 囊括日本最新的觀光、文化、美食、休閒等旅遊情...
This handy application presents you several self-guided walking tours to see the best of the Taipei, Taiwan, and it comes with detailed tour route map...
美食Walker 找美食【發短評】享優惠!全民一起瘋美食!「美食Walker」是 WalkerLand 窩客島全新打造的搜美食專屬 App! 運用適地性(LBS)服務以及關鍵字搜尋、分類搜尋等功能,提供使用者最近的美食店家與好康優惠資訊,除了可迅速找好店,隨時下載手機優惠券、享受折扣外,也正式宣告~...
Learn Mandarin Chinese vocabulary quickly and easily by playing this game. Learn by going from English to Chinese or from Chinese to English. Learn th...
Send your location via sms, email or share your location on twitter or other social networks. Where?-Here automatically identifies your location's...