host monitor 免安裝

Server monitor

Provide a widget for monitoring of your servers with ability of manual refresh.To check the accessibility of server, the application uses one of three...

Server monitor

Assistance application for system admin to monitor his server response codeit will alert when your server send response code based on your configsuch ...

Plesk Monitor

Panel Mobile Monitor 能夠説明管理員通過移動設備隨時隨地瞭解有關 Panel 伺服器最重要的資訊。通過 Parallels Panel Server Monitor,管理員可以:* 查看有關伺服器的資訊:作業系統、CPU、Panel 版本等等。 * 查看主要的伺服器健康指示器:C...

Decaf Monitor

Site and server (host) monitor for IP and/or domain name (on ports and pages).New:* new threshold default (settings)Features:* ping (custom) ports & p...