每日一妆Pro 完整专业版
每日一妆Pro(完整专业版) - 数百个化妆练习教程,无需等待,让爱美的你,更靓一筹!************************************************************ 爱美的你还在等什么呢? 爱美是女人的天性,让每日一妆带你一起变漂亮! 爱生活,爱美丽,就是爱...
每日一妆Pro(完整专业版) - 数百个化妆练习教程,无需等待,让爱美的你,更靓一筹!************************************************************ 爱美的你还在等什么呢? 爱美是女人的天性,让每日一妆带你一起变漂亮! 爱生活,爱美丽,就是爱...
這是功能最齊全的Babylog(寶寶日誌)專業版APP, 用於嬰兒(Baby/小寶寶)的紀錄和管理.可以幫助新手爸媽或褓母紀錄baby的每日作息,了解baby的生活習性. 褓姆可以將baby的每日活動資料E-mail給雇主, 也可匯出匯入Excel檔(含照片)或文字檔,讓雇主了解寶寶一整天的作息. ...
一款采用手机摄像头AR技术(增强现实)的模拟射击小游戏,在这款游戏中,你将让你的手机化身为最酷的武器,去攻击你现实中的朋友吧! 这款游戏最大的特色就是增强现实技术,利用摄像头将虚拟世界和现实世界有机的集合在一起了。 你可以选择多种武器,点击屏幕右边射击,点击左边装填弹药。 游戏也支持蜂巢平板电脑,注...
Erases history data on your Android device. Very Easy to use!This app is ORIGINAL History Eraser. Over 2 million android users select this app.It'...
Simple but effective app for cleaning browser history and call log cleaning on your phone/tablet with Material Design inspired interface. It helps you...
History Eraser is system tool that protects your privacy, save your storage space and makes your phone faster.It can:1. Delete Browser History: defaul...
Cache Cleaner - History Eraser is the best cleaner app to delete cache and remove unwanted files and logs from your phone to make your phone perform b...
Quickly and easily clean up unwanted files to free up space and make your device run quicker. Easily remove:Internet History Google Play Search Histor...
Simple, fast and accurate, History Cleaner will turn out you phone. Designed to help you to get rid of unnecessary SMS, MMS and calls history. History...
A very versatile history cleaner app.You can quickly clean:- 1. Call Logs & History 2. Messages History 3. Browser history 4. Clear clipboard 5. Clear...