

IVOKI это приложение для бесплатного обмена мгновенными сообщениями, звонков, видео звонков , используя интернет (3G,Wi-Fi ) . Пользователи приложения...


Play the new bright puzzle iLoki for Android and help the fallen God return his bygone mighty! Northern giants imprisoned the notorious God of Fire in...


Encontre informações sobre todos os produtos e serviços da marca de caminhões, chassis de ônibus e motores mais desejada do mundo: a Scania. - Conheça...


With the LasVegasTickets.com iPhone app, buying has never been so easy. In a place like Las Vegas, there is so much going on, and an application to he...

EDR - Event Data Recorder 行車紀錄器

行車記錄器 - 舉證的最佳利器 保護自己也保護他人!產品特色:• 連續的影像,聲音,以及行車路線錄製;• 播放時同步在地圖上顯示行車路線;• 影像播放提供截圖功能,並提供圖片瀏覽和分享;• 通過iTune share可以直接拷貝除所有的影像文件;• 自定義影片品質;• 便利開啓/關閉麥克風;• iP...