grid service是什麼

Grid Camera

內容介紹 : Grid Camera可以拍攝從 1 * 1 到 9 * 9 格子組合的照片,除了拍攝固定寬高的小格子相片之外,您更可以選擇任意寬高的格子,來拍攝較大張的照片,您可以選擇前/後相機來拍攝格子影像,在拍攝時可以即時看到組合影像;您也可以畫輔助線來協助拍攝,例如拍攝出愛心形狀或星星形狀或...


December 3, 2014 UPDATE: The old GRID Beta app is going to be officially shut down on December 31, 2014. We recommend all users finish their games and...


This application shows you the grid over the other applications.The grid will be shown on the top of screen.Now you can check if your application fits...