google tool


"Translate" is a fast way to look for words in different languages. Supports all 53 languages in Google Translate API. Translates simultaneously in 2 ...


An application that uses Google's translation service to translate between more than 150 language pairs. This new version will require access to your ...

Burn-in Tool

如新車在正常使用前需經過一段「磨合」的時間,使其內部的機械裝置充分協調配合,提前進入最佳狀態,高品質的耳機亦是如此;然而,這往往需花費幾個星期甚至幾個月的時間。 為了節省您寶貴的時間並希望耳機快速進入理想的聆賞狀態, Moshi Audio用心呈現『Burn-In Tool 』程式,可幫助您加速耳機...