google finance 中文

Wear Buddy

WearBuddy let your Android Wear device monitor and control its essential companion: your phone!Please note: this is the very first release: more featu...

Brew Buddy

A simple, easy to use homebrewers tool that makes your brew day go by much smoother with precise readings and conversions.Currently the app supports* ...

Beeno Buddies

Beeno Buddies 是一個有趣的幼兒英語學習平台。透過製作精美的動畫演繹主題故事,配以悅耳的兒歌,實用的語音學習及生動有趣的遊戲,為幼兒打好穩固的英語基礎。***用戶名稱及密碼與電腦登入相同***專為21世紀幼兒設計• 提供貼近幼兒生活經驗的主題• 設計方便幼兒自行操作• 可自行設定頭像及名...

AA Buddy

Greate companion for your Journey to Sobriety!Perfect mobile tool for members of Alcoholics Anonymous. Every member of AA will find this app very help...

Sketch Buddy

Sketch Buddy is a tool for any level doodler what would like to improve/practice their drawling skills. Sketch Buddy includes over 70 images for you t...


这款超棒的桌球游戏是一款专业的台球比赛游戏,该游戏支持美式台球(8球),英式台球(8球),美式台球(9球),14.1台球,单袋台球,法式台球,还有斯诺克,印度桌游(Carrom)和加拿大棋(Crokinole)等等多种丰富台球打法。 最重要的是该游戏支持人机对战!支持联网对战!! 操作时将球杆向后拉...


Want to advance your career? Make it happen with Pocket MBA. From arbitrage to zero-coupon bonds, finance has a language all its own. The Finance Glo...