google calendar 教學

Google 日曆

安裝 Android 手機和平板電腦專用的官方 Google 日曆應用程式,您就能省下大把時間並充分利用每一天。• 全新的 [時間表] 視圖 - 顯示目的地的相片和地圖,讓活動內容一目了然。• 與 Gmail 完美整合 - 電子郵件中的航班、飯店、演唱會和餐廳預訂等活動資訊會自動新增到您的日曆中。•...


This calendar is designed for those who need to add notes to specific days and see these notes clearly on the same screen. No need to press on the day...

Google+ Inviter

Do you want to become a part of Google Plus network but nobody invited you yet?Download this app, input your email and click a button, we will do the ...