google android market


GdroidME Market is open to all Android application developers. Once registered, developers have complete control over when and how they make their app...


This application provides the following:- Translation service for "Description and What's New".- Shortcut to access the app page on Play Store or ...


If you like us get used to the Market and dislike new Play Store, Market app restores the original Market and keep Play Store on your phone. After pus...


Unique and simple apps managment.The first cover flow app manager. "Apps" is a simple way to manage your applications.Similar to popular Advanced Task...

Hami Book

※ 注意:1. 由於更新與修正問題,此版本僅支援4.0以上裝置安裝,不便之處煩請見諒。2. 因資料庫升級,使用 v3.2 版本用戶升級至 v4.1.0版本時將不保留原先已下載書籍,可再於書單中重新下載,造成不便還請見諒。Hami Book v4.0版本新增功能:新增輯選功能,您可快速挑選您喜愛的文章...