这是一个英文软件特点: 支持点击邀请邮件中的链接,即可加入该会议。 支持会议中途邀请他人加入。 支持屏幕显示任何演示内容。 支持连接音频设备的内置麦克风和扬声器。 支持捏拉缩放会议内容。 支持参与者列表显示。 支持发送文字消息,私聊或者群聊。 支持手指双击屏幕放大查看功能。 加入会议: 无需购买账号...
这是一个英文软件特点: 支持点击邀请邮件中的链接,即可加入该会议。 支持会议中途邀请他人加入。 支持屏幕显示任何演示内容。 支持连接音频设备的内置麦克风和扬声器。 支持捏拉缩放会议内容。 支持参与者列表显示。 支持发送文字消息,私聊或者群聊。 支持手指双击屏幕放大查看功能。 加入会议: 无需购买账号...
Go anywhere and never miss a meeting — unless you want to — with the GoToMeeting app. GoToMeeting works on all Android devices (including Android Wear...
Looking for better event management? You've just found it at: http://MeetingApplication.comOur platform consists of dedicated conference applicati...
Get ready for the party!Check out who is going to your Facebook events and meet interesting people before going out.Download MeetApp now and have fun!...
The EventPilot conference app gives you instant offline access to your meeting or event program. Depending on the event, app features include:• Person...
Meet shows you the way! You want to make an appointment with up to 9 friends of yours? You want to store your car‘s position for finding back to it la...
NPC conference app used for multiple conferences. For 2014 it will include the NPC National Conference, NPC Masters Conference and NPH Retirement Plan...
ADSLGATE منتدى بوابة الإنترنت الرقمية متخصص بتقنيات الإتصال بالإنترنت، أخبار شركات الإتصالات والدعم الفني لها، الأخبار التقنية، التجارة الإلكترونية وا...
Bimmer App brings you the latest BMW News along with access to the largest BMW user community on the internet. Get access to multiple BMW forums inclu...
We at Connex thought – wouldn’t it be cool if there was a mobile platform for iOS and Android that allowed us to comprehensively connect with people I...