
Google Groups

We are looking to develop this as a fully functional application. Mail us @ if you are interested to be beta user. This enables yo...


最强的群组APP,没有之一! 私密畅聊随心喊! 完全由你自定义的私有群,让你与最亲密的人分享心情与照片,图片急速浏览、超快上传,还支持从照片库中直接分享,给你现场直播般的图文分享体验!另外,即将支持免费通过短信推送分享图片,免费的彩信,够不够心动? 比武相亲随心玩! 独一无二的“活动”功能,简单点击...

Battle Group

The near future. A pirate conglomeration equipped with the latest military hardware wages an unopposed war of plunder within the vital trade routes of...