globelink taiwan

PetWise Mobile

The PetWise app is like having the veterinary clinic in your back pocket. Not only can you view your veterinarian’s location, phone number, you can al...

Globe Photo

In this app you can take a picture of a horizon and it will transform the picture into a small globe, just as if the picture contains a whole planet. ...


It's a snowglobe into your device. You can see snow flakes falls down slowly, listen Christmas songs, shake it to churn up flakes. There are sever...


Blue Link是为现代汽车车载信息服务(Telematics)使用者提供的远程遥控车辆的应用程序。使用者可以通过它实现智能手机远程启动引擎/温度设置、远程控制开/关车门、车辆位置提示/查询等操作。※ 本应用程序的使用仅限于购买适用Blue Link服务的车辆,并开通Blue Link服务的使用者...