GLES 2.0 Framework
這是一個簡單的OpenGL ES 2.0展示程式。它可以用來載入Milkshape 3D模型檔(.ms3d)並繪出。本程式已經在Motorola Milestone XT701及ASUS Padfone上測試過無誤。如果在你的裝置上有發生任何問題的話,請通知我你所使用裝置以及發生的情形。免費玩GLE...
這是一個簡單的OpenGL ES 2.0展示程式。它可以用來載入Milkshape 3D模型檔(.ms3d)並繪出。本程式已經在Motorola Milestone XT701及ASUS Padfone上測試過無誤。如果在你的裝置上有發生任何問題的話,請通知我你所使用裝置以及發生的情形。免費玩GLE...
This is a port of NeHe's OpenGL tutorials for the Android platform, with specific customizations for touch screens. This app is primarily intended for...
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NET. Televisi Masa Kini merupakan salah satu alternatif tontonan hiburan layar kaca. NET. hadir dengan format dan konten program yang berbeda dengan s...
Get fit and feel fantastic. Get Running with a great “Couch to 5K” beginner's running app!With three enjoyable workouts a week, in nine weeks you’...
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Are you the first in your family to attend college? CollegeGo guides you through the essential steps to take in order to find, apply to and attend the...
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ESA has only two buttons one sick and one working.When you get sick:Open the app and click on sick.The app will send and SMS or an Email to HR and reg...
6th Grade Math reinforces basic mathematical concepts and introduces skills that are essential for all students. Concepts, procedures, and vocabulary ...