GIRL'S DAY Something-dodol pop
@@@@此程序爲dodol pop專用程序包,先要安裝dodol pop。!以新歌"Something"回歸的GIRL'S DAY親自錄製了影音鈴聲/鬧鈴,趕快用手機下載這個app! 讓GIRL'S DAY每天早晨都給你甜蜜的禮物.**這套app包含的項目有: - 2首影像鈴聲/鬧鈴...
@@@@此程序爲dodol pop專用程序包,先要安裝dodol pop。!以新歌"Something"回歸的GIRL'S DAY親自錄製了影音鈴聲/鬧鈴,趕快用手機下載這個app! 讓GIRL'S DAY每天早晨都給你甜蜜的禮物.**這套app包含的項目有: - 2首影像鈴聲/鬧鈴...
【Now on sale for 50% price off !】Celebrate Girl's Note the new HD version in play store.Here comes the Most appealing calendar APP!Less Weight* in...
Are you an attractive women? or a bitch?? What about your friends, coworker, and family? The Girl's Test will show you how much feminine you are.免費玩G...
Girl's Day Lyrics will help you to sing your favourite songs while you have fun with your friends at the local karaoke bar.In this application you...
A lyrics app for Girl's Day (걸스데이)Look up the Korean, English or Romanization for the songs.Please contact us if you experience any bugs, want to ...
Die Bibel (Deutsch). Alte Testament und das Neue Testament.Liste der Kapitel (Alte Testament): Das Buch Genesis, Das Buch Exodus, Das Buch Levitikus, ...
Count down the days, hours and seconds until an event in your life. Counting down to a celebration, your wedding, a birth in your family or perhaps yo...
How many days are there until your birthday, wedding, promotion or holiday? Here is an easy way to find out!You can find out how many days, hours, min...
Official Android app for Schola Ministries, a non-profit cooperative promoting the liturgical and contemplative arts through prayer, art and the music...
인생을 살아가다보면 꼭 선택을 해야만 하는 갈림길에 서게 될때가 와요.당신이 선택하는 길이 맞는 길일겁니다^^♥ 폰꾸미기어플천국에서 풀셋패키지 > 검색 > '갈림길' 을 치시면 도돌런처외에 풀셋 테마를 함께 꾸미실 수 있답니다~폰꾸미기어플천국 >> htt...