gigabyte 技嘉 s1080觸控平板電腦

MultiTouch Tester 多點觸控測試

"MultiTouch Tester" 畫面美觀的多點測試小工具,顯示目前的觸控點位置及數量,並記錄最高的觸控點數(有些手機在兩點交錯時會發生錯位的情形,可能是硬體限制,但不影響一般程式放大縮小的UI操作)--For multi-touch testing only.Shows your touch...


GIGA – Dein Magazin rund um Apple, Android und Games. Die 30-köpfige GIGA-Redaktion liefert täglich News, Tests und Tutorials sowie Stories, Meinungen...


Have you ever wanted to be able to keep lists of people you frequently text? Are you the coach or manager of a team that regularly needs to text all o...