UNO - "Șeptică Americană" is an American card game which can be played from a young age. Is a board game, easy to play with very simple rules, develop...
'在 Android 手機上與親朋好友一起玩第一名的經典紙牌遊戲!全世界最著名的紙牌遊戲,在行動電話上忠實重現,並且提供了令人驚奇的新功能。精彩重現 UNO™ 所有的瘋狂樂趣:在您最喜愛的紙牌遊戲中尋找相符的花色與數字,或在巡迴賽模式中挑戰難度越來越高的遊戲。在令人興奮的遊戲中與好友一起打牌...
Shmoop’s analysis of The Great Gatsby is everything you need to better understand the book for your upcoming class, date, whatever. Shmoop Guides are ...
The Catcher in the Rye is a 1951 novel by J. D. Salinger. Originally published for adults, it has since become popular with adolescent readers for its...
In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I've been turning over in my mind ever since."Whenever you feel like cr...
The Great Gatsby by F.Scott FitzgeraldSeries: The 10 Greatest Books of All Time,8599,1578073,00.html#ixzz2Ditzt...
The Complete Book, 1st Edition 1925 - FREE---------------------------------------The Great Gatsby is a novel by American author F. Scott Fitzgerald. T...
When F. Scott Fitzgerald published The Great Gatsby in 1925, he had little idea that this seminal short story about love and money would have such a m...