garmin uploader 意思


惡作劇探測器,利用手機的陀螺儀和加速度傳感器。欺騙的朋友!檢測任何你想要的:失敗者,仇敵,失敗了,廢話,變態,醜陋的,性感的,混蛋,鬼,騙子,或讓你自己定制的探測器。在17種語言。 如何使用: - 在垂直拿著手機,指出它在受害者(如拍照),按白色按鈕。它會變成綠色。現在,你是準備檢測。 - 雖然在同...


You want to know how a word in a foreign language is spoken? Or want simply communicate with your smartphone? Or want get easily the attention of your...


The app can display an picture on screen anytime, anywhere in the specified folder.Slide show of pictures are simply swipe the screen edges and ends t...

JUMBLE Uploader

JUMBLE Uploader is a HTTP (mulpipart/form-data) File Uploader.Android default browser can not upload HTTP File Upload.JUMBLE Uploader enables HTTP fil...

Bulk-Loads-Now is an online community of carriers and shippers in the bulk loads industry. Our shipper members are transportation logistics managers...