games newsround

Game Timer

A useful app that lets you use timers for all types of games. Select the number of players you want, set their names and colors and you are good to go...

Game Timer

The Game Timer was created (although not limited to be used) for enforcing timing rules while playing board games. The two main functions allow the ga...


2048應用程序是一個有趣,上癮和一個非常簡單的益智遊戲。加入的人數,並獲得了2048瓦! 最小尺寸的應用程序的2048! 如何玩: 橫掃(上,下,左,右)移動的瓷磚。當兩個用磚相同數量的聯繫,他們合併成一個。當創建2048瓦,玩家贏了! 要訪問排行榜及成就,你必須使用谷歌加帳戶登錄。請確保您已安裝...

Connect Game

A beautiful and addictive Connect game with many feature:- A Classic game play.- Three world to discover and adventure.- Many beautiful types of icons...