funny puns

Silly Puns

A collection of over 300 silly, terrible, hilarious and funny puns with new puns added regularly.Very minimalist and lightweight design, made to run s...

Fun Ways to Escape

內容介紹 : Dumb 穿上太空服誤入了外星人的領地,Dumb必須收集到所有的金幣才能夠順利過關,回到自己的基地。要想穿過外星人的森林就必須冒險。 不要掉進陷阱,記得利用木箱子,蘑菇是友好的,小心天上掉下來的木箱子,發揮你聰明才智吧! 美輪美奐的遊戲畫面,容易上手游戲操作、老少皆宜,絕對會帶給你無...

Fun Ways to Think

內容介紹 : Are you ready to play the most ENTERTAINING and CRAZIEST and the most dumb riddle game ever? Fun ways to think will make you think in ways you...