
FUNDAY 2014英語學習誌 手機版)

Funday英語學習誌,讓您走到哪學到哪,增進國際視野和職場競爭力。Funday特色:1. 雙語時事教材天天更新,超過20個頻道,有政治、國際、地方、商業、生活、旅遊、娛樂等等最新最in的消息!2. 全文真人發音,聽力朗讀能力大精進!3. 小老師講解=>聽老師逐句解說,學英文不求人!4. 新聞朗讀、...

English Grammar

Weak English grammar?What else could be more comfortable then an app specifically designed to gie you English Grammar at a glance on the go.Features:#...


Want to advance your career? Make it happen with Pocket MBA. From arbitrage to zero-coupon bonds, finance has a language all its own. The Finance Glo...