

Free game without any adv for people who like plague inc, but looking for more casual version of this great game #Try Virus 2.0+ from same developer g...


Sjakkie: ElectroLeer u kind woordjes lezen of rekenen aan de hand van plaatjes.Of gewoon voor de lol spelen kan ook.Eenvoudig om naast de interne plat...


わぁ森がたいへんだぁぁぁぁぁ~!!!!静かに暮らす小さいおじさんの妖精「おじやん」の秘密基地に、キングオブ ケ・モ・ノ が来襲!!!!!!!!!おじやん仲間を増やして森の平和と癒やしを守ってあげるやん。---こんな人におすすめ---・哀愁ただようおじさんがなんか気になる人。・ちっちゃいおじさんを見か...

Make a Date HD

Play your way to dating glory with Make a Date!Try to get a date with this attractive waitress by choosing from different responses and watch her reac...

Ittle Dew

Adventuress Ittle Dew and her sidekick Tippsie crash onto a strange island, filled with loot and mysterious inhabitants. It quickly dawns on the duo t...