ft island 2010最新專輯

FTS Shop

Catalogo E-commerce FTS.La gamma di prodotti offerti da FTS è molto vasta e permette alle diverse tipologie dei suoi clienti di trovare presso i propr...

Island defence

Island defence is a top down shooter, where you controll a helicopter and defend an island from incomming ships.The game features 2 helicopters, the A...

Castle Island

In the wonderland, there is an evil Red Queen. She captured one of your family members and challenge you to a special poker game. The Red Queen offers...


这是一个教育人们保护鸟类,保护环境的游戏。 地球上有很多美丽的鸟类生活在我们的身边,可是有很多种已经灭绝,还有很多快要灭绝了,如果我们的生活缺乏鸟儿的歌唱,会多么的枯燥无味?所以请保护鸟类,爱护环境! 本游戏讲述的是:我们侵占了很多原属于鸟儿的生活空间,所以鸟儿开始报复人类,向沙滩上侵占了它们生活空...