FPse for Android
FPse for Android 是手持设备上最快和兼容性最好的PSone(也被称作PSX或者PlayStation 1)模拟器。超过20万活跃用户!在Google Play上评分高达4,5颗星!通过使用OpenGL提供的优秀图形功能,FPse能够以很高的解析度渲染PSone游戏!访问官方文档以了解...
FPse for Android 是手持设备上最快和兼容性最好的PSone(也被称作PSX或者PlayStation 1)模拟器。超过20万活跃用户!在Google Play上评分高达4,5颗星!通过使用OpenGL提供的优秀图形功能,FPse能够以很高的解析度渲染PSone游戏!访问官方文档以了解...
一款Android平台最快最兼容PSOne处理设备的模拟器,支持硬件加速的ps模拟器 原WM最强ps模拟器,WM的手机玩家对于FPse这款PS模拟器不会陌生,而对于老牌的Android平台PS One模拟器PSX4DROID而言,应该是一场挑战,如果你对于BUG不断的PSX4DROID有意放弃的话,...
- Es la mejor herramienta para sacar el máximo rendimiento a tu emulador FPse, dispondrás de las bios necesarias para el emulador y un completo tutori...
FPse for Android 是手持设备上最快和兼容性最好的PSone(也被称作PSX或者PlayStation 1)模拟器。超过20万活跃用户!在Google Play上评分高达4,5颗星!通过使用OpenGL提供的优秀图形功能,FPse能够以很高的解析度渲染PSone游戏!访问官方文档以了解...
Graphical benchmark program that measures 2D frames per second (fps). Shows instant, average, log10 histogram, and std. deviation of frame rate.Normal...
CAUTION... EXTREMELY INSPIRING AND ADDICTIVE!Voted the most insightful, beautiful and easy to use "WISDOM QUOTES" app for your iPhone and iPod Touch i...
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Apply your English to Real Life Situations! Beginner Conversation is aimed at students at the beginner level of conversational English. This course is...
Apply your English to Real Life Situations! Beginner Conversation is aimed at students at the beginner level of conversational English. This course is...
Apply your English to Real Life Situations! Beginner Conversation is aimed at students at the beginner level of conversational English. This course is...