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FOCUS時尚流行館將現今當下最新最即時流行資訊帶給南部的民眾,並用最認真的態度將最優質的服務品質來滿足提供每一個顧客。本應用程式為 Focus時尚流行館專屬行動應用程式,提供各項便利功能供下載使用。 【功能】● 品牌介紹● 活動消息● 樓層導覽● 推薦優惠● 主題餐廳● 聯絡資訊● 線上 DM● ...
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《Cheers 鵲兒》由鵲兒所成立的官方行動購物APP,貼心的滿足每一位喜愛鵲兒的妳手機不離身、方便購物的慾望。 透過下載,你將可以輕鬆地掌握所有鵲兒Cheers的最新優惠訊息,透過推波訊息,你不需要再擔心錯過優惠活動,Cheers APP與商城、官網同步上架新品,並且你也享有七日鑑賞期等相關服務。...
Jai Shree Krishna!!!This is a music app, where you can get to listen to many songs related to lord krishna. you can find aarti, Bhajans and Many mantr...
Hanuman Chalisa is a devotional song on Lord Hanuman. It is a poem written by Tulsidas in the Awadhi language, and is his best known Hindu text apart ...
Welcome to Texas Holdem - Golden Poker!Play Texas Holdem - Golden Poker, a new Vegas-style poker game that lets you play against millions of poker lov...
Canzoniere con tutta la musica straniera.Tantissimi testi, spartiti e tablature delle migliori canzoni del panorama mondiale...QUEEN, BOB MARLEY, BEAT...
About ShreePanchang - Muhurta 2015 :Muhurta 2015 - Choghadiya 2015 is showing Shubh Muhurat and is a smart app that detects the user’s current locatio...
Percent Pro is the fastest way to answer any percentage related problem. Enter two values, and Percent Pro will instantly calculate all the relevant p...
A simple Glasgow-Blatchford Bleeding Score calculator with support for both US and SI units免費玩Glasgow-Blatchford Score APP玩免費免費玩Glasgow-Blatchford Sco...