flexible approach to toilet training


声音调整器是一款不错的管理装置音量的工具,它的介面美观大方,有强烈的金属质感,更具有多功能的小工具,让您轻鬆管理手机的音量。 软体功能 : -储存音量方桉为情景模式 -设定模式(亦可透过小工具):静音、震动和正常 -选择铃声、通知和闹钟的声音 -调整音量时播放声音 -带音量等级的小工具 -管理蓝牙、...

Toilet Queue

How quick can you find the correct stall for each person?People are different, in this game you meet different types of people, each with their own ne...

Toilet Flush

Now you can have a toilet flush sound wherever you go. Use it after a bad joke or in a party with friends. Move your hand like pulling the toilet chai...