ExDialer Theme - Flat G3
Flat G3 is an add-on skin for ExDialer, it will give you a crisp, simple, clean layout with a Flat UI design. See screenshots. Note it is not a standa...
Flat G3 is an add-on skin for ExDialer, it will give you a crisp, simple, clean layout with a Flat UI design. See screenshots. Note it is not a standa...
505 에러가 뜨시는 경우제가 올린 테마앱을 모두 삭제 후 재설치 하시면 이용가능합니다.이 문제를 해결하기 위한 업데이트를 하였지만 안전하지 않은 테마라고 나오는 문제가 있어 롤백하였습니다.추후 안전하지 않은 테마 문제가 해결되면 완성된 버전으로 다시 업데이트 하겠습니...
Need Exdialer For Best Looks : Go To : Preferences->Appearance->Untick Display ABC Preferences->Appearance->untick ABC at Right. Please Rate/Comment....
Flat theme for exDialer with cute color scheme and circular contacts photos.This theme require installed ExDialer - Dialer & Contacts. Install it from...
This is a beautiful personalisation application. The application has a set of Flat Icons and a pack of HD Wallpapers.It is designed to change all icon...
This is the Go Launcher theme for Flat Icons. This is the initial version 1.0. Not all icons are included, but I will be updating it regularly.Flat ic...
This is a skin for EvolveSMS application, it is not a standalone app. It's an EvolveSMS ThemeIt will give you a different look with flat message b...
Pastello is a fresh new flat theme compatible with all launchers that introduces a new colourfull style!Within the app you can send requests for get y...
Enjoy this packet of 10th Grade English Vocabulary Flashcards created by the mad scientists at TestSoup. Hopefully you'll learn a thing or two.Ste...
Pink Theme for exDialer. It's not a standalone app. Install exDialer to apply this theme.Theme package can not replace launcher icons of exDialer....